Spirit’n’Soul Quest


quest site at the rim of Rock Creek Canyon

Quest 2024:  August 29- September 3

Open to all genders

“Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you; you only have to become quiet enough to hear them.”  (Debbie Ford)

  • Do you feel a longing for deeper connection with your soul, your spirit and Mother Nature?
  • Do you feel lost, confused, unsure of your next steps or current direction?
  • Are you yearning to slow down, sort things out, feel a sense of wholeness?

“Questing” provides an opportunity to drop deep into the sacred quality of the natural world in a supported way, to experience the profound quality of silence and solitude in a beautiful wilderness setting: oak and pine forests, open meadows and vistas, land held in trust by Sacred Earth Foundation. in south-central Washington.

View of Rock Creek Canyon in Autumn

What is a Quest? 

Our Quests were initially inspired by our own personal experiences of deep quiet in solitude in the natural world, further inspired by traditional native-style Quests and the Quest for the Holy Grail that is part of our history as European based people.

In traditional Native American culture, a Vision Quest includes setting up a sacred circle in the wilderness and spending a number of days in solitude and prayer, fasting from food and water, opening to guidance from spirit. People in a base camp anchor questers with deep prayer and a supportive energetic container.

The basic structure of this Spirit’n’Soul Quest is this:  The first day/night is spent traveling to Ekone Ranch, getting oriented to the land there, finding a solo site, sharing food and building a cohesive group connection with other questers.  The 2nd day we go out to the back-country and questers go out to their solo site for 3 nights. During the solo time, questers are anchored by Therese and Tere from a nearby “Base Camp”  On the 5th day questers return to the ranch for food, showering and sharing with the group.  After breakfast on the 6th day, we do a closing ritual and everyone parts ways. 

Our Quests are gentle, designed for this era when most people do not take time to sit quietly in the natural world for a few days, apart from our distractions and creature comforts.   Our intention is to support those who yearn for quietude, cultivating inner and outer listening, opening to the nurturance of Mother Earth, her trees, plants, animals, stones, skies, winds sun, moon, stars.  The intention is to feel a sense of being held, nurtured and “belonging” with Mother Earth and with the group, to the land, the plants, trees and creatures, and spirits.

Our commitment is to make this experience accessible to anyone who yearns for more depth of connection to self, spirit and to nature.  We deeply believe in the restorative and healing powers of time outdoors, in prayer and quietude. We see that modern lifestyles often result in disconnection from Mother Earth’s natural rhythms, our inner guidance, and Holy Mystery.  Thus, we provide a beautiful place and potent framework to support solo time in a wilderness setting, but no fancy frills. Seekers are expected to do their own advance preparations and integration afterward.


If you are interested but want more information before registering: please reach out to set up a phone call or zoom meeting with one of us.  

It is important for participants to prepare spiritually, mentally and logistically for this experience, so the earlier you begin exploring this possibility, the better.  In recent years, the Quest has filled up by May 1st.  We offer monthly zoom meetings starting in April to begin the group bonding process and to provide an opportunity for those interested to ask questions, get a feel for the group, and for those already registered to stay on track with personal preparations. The days/times in 2024 are (all at 7pm pacific time):  Sunday April 7, Tuesday May 7, Tuesday June 4, Monday July 8 and Thursday August 8th. (some dates/times may be changed if necessary)


The fee for this Quest is a sliding scale:  $500-800.   Partial scholarships are available upon request. 

To Register:  A $200 deposit is required to hold your place –send via Venmo (Therese-Charvet) or PayPal (theresecharvet@gmail.com)  and fill out our registration form by following this link. 

Refund policy: 

  • If you cancel anytime before June 1st, your deposit will be refunded minus $50 handling fee.
  • If you cancel after June 1st we will offer no refund unless we can fill your place. If we fill your place, we will return your deposit minus $50
  • The balance of your fee will be due in mid August 


“Sacred Groves Quest is pure unconditional love for your soul. Guided by the dynamic duo, you feel deeply supported and held as you ceremonially set out to be one with the earth. As your mind goes still you are able to reconnect with a part of you that has been patiently and lovingly waiting. And it is there, you see not only the beauty of your surroundings but the beauty of your soul. I highly recommend this journey to everyone.” “Trina G., Seattle WA”

“I was amazed at how hard the “not doing” was, how I ached for the day to be done and sleep to mercifully quiet my mind. I guess I drive myself crazy and perhaps that’s why I fill my life so full,  so busy,  to avoid hearing my own thoughts….I can take myself only in small doses…. 
I was and am left with a feeling of ability,  enpowerment, to do something I didn’t think I could do: sleep outdoors alone… for 3 nights,  to not eat for 3 days, and to stay un-busy, present  for 3 days (listed in order of difficulty…easy to hard). I didn’t think I would finish my quest thinking… boy I gotta work on that,  being without a job/duties shouldn’t be that hard!!!!!” D.D. 2018
“The quest I feel like opened a door to new ideas and expressions I didn’t know before. I had such wonderfully fond memories of that time. I never felt more alive or more myself than I did that weekend. I think I saw me for the first time. Maybe ever 🤷‍♀️ that glimpse has given me hope and purpose and patience to continue to grow .”   SB 2018

The Quest was an amazing experience.  The land at Ekone ranch is beautiful and benevolent- the waving grasses, the endless views looking out over the canyon, the groves of shrub oak and pine, the colored rock, the wild flowers, the big sky, the bright stars.  Therese and Tere’s facilitation was brilliant: grounded, loving, playful, sensitive, and encouraging.  And the offering is really unique.  I loved that it was a gentle quest, where you could feel nourished and renewed by time to just be.  There was nothing harsh or arduous about it, nothing you had to overcome or endure.  We had plenty of water and could bring food if we wanted, someone was nearby if we needed something, and we were “checked on” from afar, but not interrupted.  It was comforting.  I could sink down into the moment and enjoy the endless flow of hours.  The time to be and not do was such a gift and I learned so much about my mind, my habits and my tendencies. This learning was huge and helpful as I recognized how much I distract myself in my day to day life and how much I need the practice of mindfulness to help me be more present to what is alive in me. I could feel spirit all around in the animals, plants, and the very place itself. It was a rich and rewarding experience to surrender and allow, to just be and to give up all the striving that comes with everyday life.  I am so grateful, I am forever changed.”  Maria C. June 2017

About Spirit and Soul …… (adapted from Bill Plotkin’s book Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth)         Quests are an opportunity to listen for guidance about your soul’s calling, i.e. the role each is born for, the singular way that s/he can serve and nurture the web of life. Soul is one’s place, a vibrant space of shimmering potential waiting to be discovered, claimed….occupied. The human soul is both psychological (mythopoetic) and ecological; it is one’s individual psycho-ecological niche. Your soul is your true home. Sitting in silence, within the beauty of the natural world, awakens our understanding and connection with our “soul.”   On the other hand, Spirit is the universal consciousness, intelligence, psyche, or vast imagination that animates the cosmos and everything in it –including ourselves–and in which the psyche of each person participates. Spirit has many names. We choose to call it “Holy Mystery.”

Join us for Questing to nurture your Soul and connect with ‘Spirit’ by listening to the many voices of Mother Earth, your own heart and body!