Autumn Arrives

autumn golden maplesAutumn is the time of the west, time of twilight, deepening darkness, release, ebbing, waning, time of elder-hood. We started the autumn season with several wonderful events. On September 19th we hosted our annual ‘descent into darkness’ ritual where we walked through the woods with candles, singing “We descend…..down to the darkness, our mother so dear.” On October 3rd we co-hosted the ENTER AUTUMN Festival with Woman’s Way Red Lodge, when we honored and told stories about important elders in our lives. On October 10th, we hosted our autumn sweatlodge, this season’s opportunity to release the old and open to the new.

As usual, these events were attended by a wonderful mix of open hearted men and women. Now we’ve got ourselves in alignment with the new season and hope to flow with it in a good way.

There are two big week-end retreats coming up this fall: Compassionate Listening training (Oct 24-25) and Grief Ritual Retreat (Nov 21-22); the monthly Earth Mothers Circle will continue through the fall too. But otherwise, things are quieting down as we gestate the seeds of what is to come in 2010.

Though we don’t have many events, guests continue to be welcome to come stay in the Guest Room at the Round House (our new Bed and Breakfast room) or the Moonlodge for private retreats and quiet time in the Groves. Happy Autumn Everyone!